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A Faerie's Farthing

Flitting through the internets looking for sparkly bits. All content mine and not to be reproduced without permission.

Location: All Material Copyrighted, United States

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Anti-Alito Brigade, Day 2!

Anti-Alito Brigade, Day 2!

Join us once again for the next action item in the campaign to stop ScAlito!

Over the next 12 days the Anti-Alito Brigade will be bringing you many of those reasons, and also some actions that you might consider to help stop this horrible nomination. The main intention of this nomination is to try and tip the balance of power away from the legislative branch and towards the President.

More importantly, Alito is an activist judge that will legislate from the bench on many of the issues that all progressives hold dear to their heart.

12 Days of Justice - Day 2

Today's focus is on ScAlito's apparent disdain for minorities' rights and his stubborn refusal to even acknowledge the existence of discrimination.

Please vist the bootrib diaryand use the information to compel your senators to quash this nomination!

This diary is for For Justice: Day 2 regarding Alito's positions on age discrimination & FMLA.

My own "copper coinage" (I have someone here to thank for that phrase): States have rights; people don't. This warped concept is as antebellum as it is evil. Don't be fooled because Alito's bright enough not to snarl; he's as wingnut as they come ... only quieter.

Anyway, please take this letter and adapt as you will. Feel free to use all or in part.

And pass it on!


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